“it was when I stopped searching for home within others and lifted the foundations of home within myself I found there were no roots more intimate than those between a mind and body that have decided to be whole”

— Rupi Kaur

  • Massage & Energy Therapies

    Therapeutic Massage

    An integration of learned modalities of swedish/relaxation, deep tissue, myofascial release combined with warm healing stones, herbal wrap and essential oils as welcomed and catered to the benefit of each recipient.

    Energy Healing

    Intentional holding of universal energy and source to create an environment for self healing. With training in Reiki I&II, energy healing may be translated with gentle touch and chakra balancing within it’s own session or in combination with massage.

  • Nurturing the Mother

    Techniques specifically catered to expecting mothers and baby to offer support during the entire pregnancy as well as postpartum. Supporting the system and body during its ongoing shifts to promote relief, balance, and nurturing care.

  • Intuitive Readings & Healing Rituals

    With studies in Mystical Arts & Ritual and the natural abilities of clairvoyance and clairaudience (perception through images and words within my mind’s eyes and ears), intuitive readings and healing rituals are presented with rattling, light drumming, and voice to guide and aid in its facilitation.